

上海煜印办公设备公司:复印+网络打印+扫描+传真低至300元/月。。我们是专业从事复印机租赁、复印机销售、复印机维修、复印机耗材和复印机配件等办公设备的专业型公司.火箭式技术,地毯式服务。始终坚持秉承诚信经营、完美服务的经营理念,根据市场需求调整发展方向,在综合评估经营成本、深入了解用户需求的基础上,针对每一个客户的需要,精心推出多套复印机租赁方案供用户选择。专业化的团队,为您提供的数码复印机和办公设备售前、售中、售后服务,我们真诚地希望 :我们的服务在给您节省办公费用的同时,能使您真正的享受到办公自动化给您带来的方便和舒适。我们与许多办公设备供应厂家建立了良好的合作关系,能根据客户的不同要求,提供完美服务和适合您的办公设备解决方案。我们经销的产品主要有:数码复印机、办公耗材、复印机配件等。

联系 刘小姐


1、 一次性的资金投入较少(依始只需支付购机成本的30%作为押金)

2、 转嫁风险:在租赁的模式下用户不再有承担非常规零件损耗的风险

3、 提高服务质量:由于租赁的设备产权是服务商的,所以从技术层面上来说服务人员的主观能动性大大提高。

4、 租赁的用户不用再担心由于对设备工作原理的外行而在维修过程中挨宰

5、 财务统计使用成本非常清晰。

外企专区 :call

For better to help you choose the perfect copier and make the right

decision,our professional engineer just makes several simple questions,

for your reference.Guide for purchasing Copier

1、Features of Product

1)How many pages do you copy each month?

2)Whats your copy speed in your daily work? (Low speed:

15s~20 ps/m,;middle speed: 20 ps~30ps/m; high speed


3)Whats the best configuration for you? Do you need any

other function, such as network printing, network scan

and fax?

2、Service after sales

1)Sellers respond for the failure of machine? Fast or not?

2)The quality of sellers service? How can they ensure that?

3)The service they support is expensive or not?


1)You budget is full of use?

2)If you budget is limited, do you want to buy the product

with highCost-Performance Ratio( CPR)

3)Do you want to enjoy the service with more value-added service in your budget range.



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